Aidos | Per i diritti delle donne

Since 1981, AIDOS works for the rights, dignity and freedom of choice of women and girls throughout the world. A gender perspective for sustainable development.


C20 – L20 Joint Statement on TRIPS Waiwers

C20 – L20 Joint Statement on TRIPS Waiwers

A strong action is urgent to make vaccines and treatments accessible for all! Civil 20 and Labour 20 raise together their voices to jointly call G20 for supporting the waiver of TRIPS agreement on COVID-19 vaccines and treatments. Read here the C20-L20 TRIPS...

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What are sexual and reproductive health and rights?

What are sexual and reproductive health and rights?

What are sexual and reproductive health and rights?   A bit of history The topic of sexual and reproductive health and rights has followed a long process and has been at the centre of international debate for several years now. After the UN International...

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Aidos’ event at the Virtual Forum Ngo CSW 65

Aidos’ event at the Virtual Forum Ngo CSW 65

AIDOS - Italian Association for Women in Development is organizing a parallel event at the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW65). This year due to Covid 19 all events will be online, it will be an opportunity to propose an event that will include AIDOS partners...

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AIDOS is a UNFPA implementing partner

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is an international development organisation that promotes the right to health and equal opportunities in life. UNFPA supports countries in defining policies and programs to alleviate poverty, ensuring that every pregnancy is wanted, and that all girls and women are treated with dignity and respect. For many years AIDOS has been editing the Italian version of UNFPA State of World Population annual report.


All-Party Parliamentary Group

AIDOS carries out awareness-raising and advocacy activities in cooperation with and work as secretariat for the Italian All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Global Health and Women’s Rights. The APPG consistently monitors the implementation of the commitments undertaken by the Italian government, and implements actions to encourage the allocation of resources supporting the global health of women and girls.

Follow the activities of the Italian APPG

Aidos – AIDOS – Italian Association for Women in Development

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Tel:+39 06 687 3214
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