Aidos | Per i diritti delle donne

Since 1981, AIDOS works for the rights, dignity and freedom of choice of women and girls throughout the world. A gender perspective for sustainable development.


No Woman Left Behind: closing event of the project

No Woman Left Behind: closing event of the project

At the end of July, we went to Amman for the closing event of our project on gender-based violence and disability. We applied an intersectional perspective to ensure that disability is also considered in confirmed cases of violence or in cases of women at risk, in an...

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Civil society’s shadow report for GREVIO

Civil society’s shadow report for GREVIO

The Council of Europe published its first Thematic Evaluation about Italy, a report that evaluates the implementation of some specific aspects of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, known as the...

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Closing event of the WORK project in Ethiopia

Closing event of the WORK project in Ethiopia

From the 24th to the 28th of June we were in Addis Ababa for the end of our project WORK, aimed at improving the living conditions of women and young people, in rural and urban areas, through creating new job opportunities and new businesses. In Ethiopia, in fact,...

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Aidos announces new President’s election

Aidos announces new President’s election

Last May Aidos’ new Board of Directors elected a new President, Clara Caldera, and re-elected Serena Fiorletta as Vice President. Clara Caldera has been working at Aidos since 2004 and, over the last 20 years, has coordinated several projects, focusing especially on...

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Civil7 Summit

Civil7 Summit

14-15 MAY 2024 FAO Headquarters Viale delle Terme di Caracalla – Rome Just Social, Environmental and Economic and Justice   Translator On Tuesday and Wednesday, 14 and 15 May, the Civil7 (C7) International Summit will take place in Rome at FAO Headquarters in the year...

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AIDOS is a UNFPA implementing partner

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is an international development organisation that promotes the right to health and equal opportunities in life. UNFPA supports countries in defining policies and programs to alleviate poverty, ensuring that every pregnancy is wanted, and that all girls and women are treated with dignity and respect. For many years AIDOS has been editing the Italian version of UNFPA State of World Population annual report.


All-Party Parliamentary Group

AIDOS carries out awareness-raising and advocacy activities in cooperation with and work as secretariat for the Italian All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Global Health and Women’s Rights. The APPG consistently monitors the implementation of the commitments undertaken by the Italian government, and implements actions to encourage the allocation of resources supporting the global health of women and girls.

Follow the activities of the Italian APPG

Aidos – AIDOS – Italian Association for Women in Development

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