Female genital mutilation and social norms: 4 animated videos to stop FGM | Aidos

The videos, directed by director and researcher Adele Tulli and animated by illustrator Peque Varela,  have been realized  by AIDOS in the phase  II of the Project  “Building Bridges between Africa and Europe to tackle FGM”,  supported by the UNFPA UNICEF Joint Programme  to Eliminate FGM. They are meant  as a support tool for a UNFPA-UNICEF manual on social norms, but they are also an autonomous and effective training and awareness tool for those who want to know more about this issue  or need to  increase and diversify their training activities.

The topics covered in the videos are:

  1. Social norm
  2. Gender inequality
  3. Legislative framework
  4. Social change


Here you can  watch the videos

Video 1Dynamics of a Social Norm: Female Genital Mutilation 

Video 2. From Gender Inequality to Shared Positive Social Norms

Video 3. Legislation as a tool for behavioral and social change

Video 4. Collective Consensus and Harmful Norms Shift: Transformative  Elements for Change