EUROPE – ABC, Alphabets for sentimental education | Aidos

EUROPE – ABC, Alphabets for sentimental education

2018 – 2020 Education/Defeating Violence

Europe (Belgium, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain).

The project is carried out by 5 European associations: END FGM European Network (leader, Belgium); AIDOS (Italy); Associaçao para Planeamento Familiar (Portugal); Medicos del Mundo (Spain); TERRE DES FEMMES (Germany).

Young boys and girls in Europe are potential victims of different types of abuse and violence; girls are particularly vulnerable to gender-based violence (GBV). According to a research conducted by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), 35% of the women interviewed had experienced physical, sexual or psychological violence by an adult before the age of 15, and one in three women suffered physical or sexual violence since the age of 15 years old.

European strategy and policies do not address gender-equality and gender-based violence in the school context, as shown by DG EAC’s Strategic Framework: Education and Training 2020. The same can be said for most Member States, in which the introduction of these issues into primary and secondary school education programs is not a priority and in some cases is also a very controversial issue.

The project aims to combat and prevent gender-based violence in all its forms within the school environment and the communities to which children and young people belong, through the implementation of an educational program on gender, gender-violence and Rights of the Child in primary and secondary schools in Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain.
The goals are: provide children and young people with the tools to recognize violations of their rights, forms of gender-related violence and learn how they can protect themselves; raise awareness among school staff, families and support services so that they can provide a supportive environment for children and young people; strengthen the commitment of local educational and social institutions to favor the implementation of educational programs on these issues. The activities aim to stimulate the critical thinking of young people so that they can question the habits that contribute to the perpetuation of gender-based violence.

AIDOS activities
AIDOS takes care of the implementation of the activities in Italy, which include: an educational program that takes place in 5 primary and 5 secondary schools in Lazio; workshops for the creation of material (audio, video, printed, etc.) realized by students to raise awareness among their peers and the citizenship in general, on gender-based violence; training of school personnel; development of educational modules and other training resources; meetings with schools, families and local institutions; realization of awareness-raising, communication and information-spreading activities.

At the end of the project, the partners and some of the students involved (from each country) will participate in a final visibility and awareness-raising event in Brussels. The event will also provide the schools involved with the opportunity to meet and exchange good practices.

Cost of the project
€ 606.095,16.

Duration of the project
24 months, starting from September 2018.

Who is financing the project
European Union (80%) – Work Program REC-RDAP‐GBV‐AG‐2017: Prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children.