Since 1981, AIDOS works for the rights, dignity and freedom of choice of women and girls throughout the world. A gender perspective for sustainable development.

European Donor Support to sexual and reproductive health: Trends Analysis 2020-21
The period 2020-2021 was one of the most challenging in recent memory. COVID-19’s fierce sweep across the world has been demanding a bold response that simultaneously safeguards the health, social and economic gains achieved to date. The COVID-19 pandemic has laid...
40 years!
On December 14, 1981, Aidos was founded. It has been 40 years of passion, devotion and enthusiasm, dedicated to the rights of women and girls, through the support, work and collaboration of many people, associations and institutional partners. Covid has made it...
Gender transformative approaches to ending female genital mutilation: final report of the ISD
The final report of the International Stakeholder Dialogue (ISD) is finally out. The report is based on the discussions held among different stakeholders from civil society, the public sector and the UN system during the dialogue and was coordinated by AIDOS, GAMS...
Gender and C20
On October 30th and 31st, the G20 Leaders’ Summit took place in Rome. The Leaders’ Summit is the culminating event of an international process that saw the participation of G20 government leaders and heads of state, as well as invited countries and representatives of...

Sexual and gender-based violence in the context of migration in the Mediterranean region
WEBINAR Sexual and gender-based violence in the context of migration in the Mediterranean region 11 December, 10.00 am Migrants and asylum seekers are subjected to several forms of sexual and gender-based violence. Professionals working in reception systems must be...

Una politica di sistema per l’infanzia nel mondo
20 novembre 2020 – h. 15.00 in diretta dalla pagina Facebook In occasione della Giornata Mondiale dell’Infanzia, il 20 novembre in diretta dalla Pagina Facebook di ForumSaD, prenderà il via il primo di tre incontri online sul tema dell’infanzia, all'interno degli...

AIDOS is a UNFPA implementing partner
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is an international development organisation that promotes the right to health and equal opportunities in life. UNFPA supports countries in defining policies and programs to alleviate poverty, ensuring that every pregnancy is wanted, and that all girls and women are treated with dignity and respect. For many years AIDOS has been editing the Italian version of UNFPA State of World Population annual report.
All-Party Parliamentary Group
AIDOS carries out awareness-raising and advocacy activities in cooperation with and work as secretariat for the Italian All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Global Health and Women’s Rights. The APPG consistently monitors the implementation of the commitments undertaken by the Italian government, and implements actions to encourage the allocation of resources supporting the global health of women and girls.
Aidos – AIDOS – Italian Association for Women in Development
Via dei Giubbonari 30 00186 Roma
Tel:+39 06 687 3214
Tax code : 96047770589
Press office: press@aidos.it
Documentation centre: centrodocumentazione@aidos.it
Fundraising office: sostieni@aidos.it
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