ITALY – Butterfly Effect. Changing words to change the world | Aidos

ITALY – Butterfly Effect. Changing words to change the world


COSPE – Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo dei Paesi Emergenti Onlus (coordinator), AIDOS, Amnesty International Sezione Italiana, Carta di Roma, CoNNGI APS – Coordinamento Nazionale Nuove Generazioni, Dipartimento di Sociologia e Diritto dell’Economia dell’Università di Bologna, EMERGENCY, Gay Center/ Gay Help Line, LIBERA. Associazioni, nomi e numeri contro le mafie, Lunaria, O.S.V.I.C – Organismo Sardo di Volontariato Internazionale Cristiano, Regione Toscana, Zaffiria

The public expression of hatred and related forms of intolerance have assumed an impressive dimension in the last ten years, involving a large and varied part of the population both in terms of age and social and cultural condition. Hate speech presents itself as a complex and multifaceted phenomenon in terms of ways and spaces of demonstration, as well as for the social categories of people affected and the type of damage caused. This diffusion of the phenomenon has been facilitated by technology and the relative multiplication of virtual interaction spaces. Indeed, one of the common features of hate phenomena is that it takes place on the web and on social platforms. These phenomena, due to the very serious damage they cause to people and communities, have aroused such alarm as to induce Parliament to set up three Commissions on the subject between 2016 and 2021. Verbal and physical forms of violence intersect and reinforce each other, with synergistic negative impacts on victims. This shows how bullying has also found space in digital aggression, thus giving rise to cyberbullying. It also highlights the particular incidence of these acts on girls and the intersection with other factors of discrimination, such as origin, religious affiliation, disability, gender identity and sexual orientation.

The project aims to strengthen positive attitudes in young people aged between 11 and 19 years old in order to fight discrimination and promote respect for all diversities (gender, sexual orientation and gender identity, ethnic and national origin, religion, disability), consolidating critical thinking and empathy and stimulating them to actively engage in supporting people who are victims of discrimination, in order to build a society capable of isolating and de-powering these phenomena.


  • Improve the capacity of teachers and educators to identify and address hate speech with young people.
  • Enabling girls and boys to identify and prevent hate speech through the creation and experimentation of innovative educational pathways
  • Promote a debate on hate phenomena and discrimination at local and national level.

440 Teachers/Educators
3.320 young people aged between 11-19 years old
60 activist,
1.860 people involved in grassroots projects
500.000 young people reached by the communication campaign.

1 January 2023 – 31 December 2024

€ 768.000,00

AICS – Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development (90%)