BURKINA FASO – Awareness-raising activities about pedophilia in Burkina Faso, using radios as an instrument of sensibilization of the population | Aidos

BURKINA FASO – Awareness-raising activities about pedophilia in Burkina Faso, using radios as an instrument of sensibilization of the population

Photo credit: A. Iannetta

2019/2020 – Education/Defeating violence

Burkina Faso

Association Keoogo

May 2019 – April 2020

In Burkina Faso pedophilia is an underground phenomenon that is extremely difficult to deal with. It can be carried out under the form of sexual exploitation of minors, for profit; or in street, school and family contexts; or also in situations of forced child marriage. In addition, due to the taboos on homosexuality in the country, the problem is even more difficult to address if the subject suffering from pedophilia is a young boy. Although organizations operating there report numerous cases, in Burkina Faso there is a lack of coordinated strategies and policies on a national level and a lack of interventions that provide the victims with the information about their fundamental rights and about the support services available. In this context, the fact that the media don’t address directly the issue, is an obstacle for ensuring that this problem reaches the public debate.

Experiences on the field have shown that the socio-cultural reluctance to accept the definition of pedophilia is also very significant within the professional figures who should protect minors and who sometimes, on the contrary, contribute to the submergence of the phenomenon.

General goal
Inform and raise awareness among citizens about the issue of pedophilia in Burkina Faso.

Specific goals

  • Raise the awareness of 50.000 Burkinabé citizens about the issue ofpedophilia;
  • Promote public and institutional debate by reinforcing the capacity of the civil society to carry out advocacyactions;
  • Increase the awareness of the victims about their fundamental rights and the support services available on theterritory.


  • Production of 2 audio-documentaries in order to raise awareness on pedophilia in BurkinaFaso

Ce n’est pas seulement une affaire de blancs  – Episode 1

Ce n’est pas seulement une affaire de blancs  – Episode 2


  • A radio journalist expert in audio-documentaries in Burkina Faso will be sent on the field to collect the materials for the 2 audio-documentaries; at the same time 2 Burkinabé journalists and 2 radio hosts will be trained on the making of audio- documentaries (training on thejob);
  • Dubbing of the audio-documentaries in the 3 most spoken languages in Burkina Faso (dioula, mooré e foulfouldé) and their diffusion on 6 Burkinabéradios;
  • Awareness-raising activities: 24 sessions of “public listening” of the audio- documentaries in the different communities with the goal of facilitating debates about the issue ofpedophilia.


  • 2 Burkinabé journalists and 2 Burkinabé radio hosts; 6 local and national Burkinabé radios;
  • 50.000 Burkinabé citizens.

Cost of the project
€ 34.700,00.

Who is financing
Waldensian Church, 8×1000 (86%) (Otto per Mille Chiesa Valdese).