FGM/C. Abandoning FGM/C on FM! Innovative media tools to foster the abandonment of female genital mutilation/cutting. An introductory manual | Aidos

This manual  has been produced in the framework of the project “Abandoning FGM on FM!”, coordinated by AIDOS  and   implemented in collaboration with Audiodoc, the Italian association of independent audio – documentarists , with the support of UNFPA through the UNFPA -UNICEF Joint Programme on Female genital Mutilation/Cutting.
It is designed to  guide radio journalists to produce audio documentaries that with their combination of spoken language, music and ambient sound are a great tool for supporting the changes that are taking place due to the campaigns for the abandonment of female genital mutilation/cutting.The manual was prepared to support workshops on the use of innovative radio formats to promote the abandonment of female genital mutilation/cutting.

A collaboration between AIDOS and Audiodoc
Rome, AIDOS, 2013

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