FGM as a Development Issue: Programming tools to mainstream the abandonment of FGM/C into development programs and projects | Aidos

The manual has been developed by AIDOS and RAINBO in the framework of the project “Innovative tools for the abandonment of the practice of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM)”. It has been developed for the training of senior planners and managers in government, non governmental organisations and funding agencies, working in the areas of sexual and reproductive health, women’s empowerment, poverty eradication, in order to raise their consciousness about the need to address FGM/C in development programmes and projects as an issue of gender, human rights and sexual and reproductive health and rights. Programme officers would also benefit from the training. The basic version of the manual has been adapted to the different contexts of Tanzania, Kenya and Sudan.

© AIDOS Associazione Italiana Donne Research,
© RAINBO  Action and Information Network per lo Sviluppo for the Bodily Integrity of Women
Rome, Italy, Date of publication October 2006

This publication has been cofinanced by the European Union, under the EIDHR, European Initative for Democracy and Human Rights.


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