Color accounting: AIDOS organizes a training course in Jordan | Aidos

The training course for trainers on the Color Accounting method has recently begun in Aqaba, at the business incubator of the Noor Al Hussein Foundation (NHF). A method of teaching the fundamentals of business and accounting that abandons the traditional logical-mathematical approach to use a visual-graphical method based on colours, highly more intuitive for people.

The activity is part of the project “Integrated actions to enable the access to the labour market to vulnerable Syrian and Jordanian refugees in the governorates of Aqaba and Tafileh” funded by the Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development (AICS) and implemented by AIDOS in partnership also with ARCS and the Noor Al Hussein Foundation. The purpose of the course is to train operators so that they can eventually train other people.

The training day was an important moment of debate that saw women being active protagonists of the reflections emerged from each session.

The success of the training lies in its sustainability and replicability: those who participate will afterwards train new professional figures. This will create a multiplier effect in terms of benefits and impact on the territory.