Aicha: new research on gender violence in the Béni Mellal – Khénifra region | Aidos

On the 11th of October, International Day of the Girl Child, we share the research Recherche sur les violences basées sur le genre dans la région de Béni Mellal – Khénifra, as part of the AICHA project’s activities aimed at preventing and raising awareness on gender-based violence in the area.

The Béni Mellal – Khénifra region is particularly affected by the phenomenon, 11.2% of child marriages in the whole country take place in this area, associated with one of the highest dropout rates for girls after primary school, equal to 7.53%. The research also underlines the crucial role of support networks, such as schools and community leaders, in promoting greater education and autonomy for girls. There are many recommendations and good practices reported in the document, which underlines the importance of training to promote positive gender norms, prevent sexist attitudes and play an active role in promoting the values ​​of equality, as well as the need to integrate mandatory modules on gender equality, stereotypes and GBV in school curricula. The training of teaching and school staff in relation to a comprehensive sexual education is also fundamental. Equally fundamental are both the promotion of awareness campaigns in local communities, with particular attention to the education of men and boys, and the raising awareness of the media on the role of gender stereotypes in the perpetuation of violence and gender inequality. The report also highlights the centrality of survivors’ support, through the creation of specific services such as legal advice and psychological assistance, as well as the establishment of anti-violence centers, coupled with ad hoc training for law enforcement and judicial institutions.


These initiatives must be accompanied by research and data collection: the creation of a database for the collection and sharing of statistics, as well as the establishment of strengthened monitoring and evaluation mechanisms are fundamental to evaluate the interventions’ effectiveness.

In summary, the recommendations that emerged demonstrate that the fight against gender-based violence is a long-term process that requires continuous commitment from society as a whole and it must include a holistic perspective to act on multiple levels, from education to data collection, from strengthening services to training medical, school and judicial staff.


The Aicha project – Living together free from violence in a fair society for all is in partnership with ProgettoMondo (leader), Association Qualification de Jeunes (AQJ), Collectif Civil pour la Défense des Droits des Femmes (CCDDF) and in collaboration with the associated organizations Entraide Nationale, Préfecture Khouribga and University of Beni Mellal.

It is funded by the European Commission.