Report: the Italian presidency of the G20 and Gender Equality | Aidos

The G20, a strategic multilateral platform connecting the world’s major developed and emerging economies, representing more than 80% of the global GDP and 60% of the world population, is a gathering of the strongest world’s economies aimed at reaching financial stability. This report aims at assessing how gender was taken into account during the 2021 G20, reflect on the Conference on Women’s Empowerment and its outcomes, and provide an overview of the recommendations and efforts carried out by the Civil20 Gender Working Group. In conclusion, it also presents future challenges that civil society organizations might face in ensuring a gendered approach to the economic recovery is applied during the next G20 and a roadmap for future Civil20 Gender Working Groups.

Authors: Beatrice Mariottini with the contribution of Serena Fiorletta e Maria Grazia Panunzi

Publisher: Rome (Italy), AIDOS

Date of publication: 2022

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