EUROPE – MEDiterranean reception systems’ coordinated RESponse for people in migration victims of SGBV | Aidos

EUROPE – MEDiterranean reception systems’ coordinated RESponse for people in migration victims of SGBV

2018-2020 Capacity building/SGBV

Europe: Italy, Spain, Malta.

AIDOS (coordinator), Women’s Rights Foundation (WRF, Malta), Federacion de Planification Familiar Estatal (FPFE, Spain).

According to IOM figures, as of 2017 a total of 163,126 people arrived in Europe, by sea or land. Main country of origins are from Africa. People either in their country of origin or in transit as well as in confined accommodation such as detention centers and open centers experience some form of SGBV.  The IOM estimates that about 80% of Nigerian women who arrived in Italy by sea in 2016 are potential victims of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation in Italy or in other states of the European Union. There is also an increasing number of men and boys who have survived sexual and gender-based violence, although most cases are not reported.
Currently, the measures taken by governmental agencies, humanitarian actors and civil society organizations are not sufficient enough. Too often professionals and host institutions don’t know all the consequences of SGBV and, concerning specific forms of GBV such as FGM,  are often unware of its existence and fail to even detect this form of abuse, which represents a reason to obtain the asylum status.

General goal 
This project aims at contributing to the inclusion of female/male people in migration (PiM), particularly refugees and asylum seekers victims of sexual and gender based violence (SGBV), in integrated and coordinated reception and support services/systems in Italy, Malta and Spain.
Specific goals 
Strengthening the capacities of relevant operators/professionals to give appropriate services to PIMs survivors of SGBV with a coordinated, intercultural, multidisciplinary and gender approach;
strengthening the reception and support services for migrants victims of SGBV;
strengthening the capacity of national/local authorities/companies to prevent and respond to the needs of migrants victims of SGBV.

The project aims at establishing a multidisciplinary team of experts able to provide appropriate and effective care to migrants survivors of SGBV.

Social workers, cultural mediators, public health workers, government and police officials, legal and judicial personnel of the organizations involved in the management of CAS, SPRAR and other reception centers for migrants in Italy, Spain and Malta.
The activities will involve: 40 professionals trained as trainers on migration, female genital mutilation (FGM) and SGBV; 150 reception systems’ operators trained  in the same sectors; 3.000 PiM empowered on SGBV rights and accessing SGBV available services; 1.500 from host and migrant communities sensitized; 50 representatives of local/national authorities and of civil society cooperate to address SGBV.

AIDOS will be responsible for the management and coordination of the project.   During the project implementation, the following activities will be delivered: Training of trainers (TOT) programs on migration, FGM and SGBV; Roll out training sessions of reception systems’ operators on the above topic; production of: training materials for operators (1 toolkit on SGBV for trainers, 1 guide on the EU directives relevant to the topic;  1 factsheet for operators; information materials addressed to PIMs  (leaflets in 10 PIMs languages); 1 exchange meeting; 3 live knowledge events on FGM; 1 final conference, 1 Policy document.

Capacity building skills of relevant professionals to strengthen SGBV systems for PiM established and ensured over the long term; capacity of SGBV support services to include PiM with a coordinated and gender approach strengthened; access of PiM to SGBV services and awareness on their rights increased; capacity of national/local authorities/civil society to prevent and respond to violence against PiM improved.

September 1st 2018 – September 1st 2020.

€ 453,798.00.

European Commission – Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers (DG JUST) € 363,037.00 (80% of the total cost).

Due to COVID emergency, some face to face meetings have been replaced with online activities.




WEBINAR: Sexual and Gender Based Violence in the context of migration in the Mediterranean region

POLICY DOCUMENT Sexual and gender-based violence in the context of migration in the Mediterranean region  

SEXUAL GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE: Guidelines as covered in EU Asylum Directives on Qualification, Procedures, and Reception Conditions

SEXUAL AND GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE: Toolkit for professionals, operators and nurses

SEXUAL AND GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE: What is Sexual and Gender Based Violence?

SEXUAL AND GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE: Fact sheet on how to deal with survivors of SGBV