Gli effetti del cambiamento climatico sulle donne nelle zone rurali: uno sguardo femminista dal Sud globale | Aidos

In occasione della sessione di quest’anno della Commission On the Status of Women (CSW65), Aidos organizza un evento parallelo su clima, donne in aree rurali in una prospettiva femminista dal sud del mondo.

Anche quest’anno gli eventi saranno online; questa modalità ci permetterà ancora una volta di riunire le voci di donne di diversi paesi del mondo con maggiore facilità. L’evento sarà in lingua inglese.

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The effects of climate change on women living in rural areas: a feminist gaze from the Global South

March 25th 2022, 3 pm to 4.30 pm (CET)

AIDOS – Italian Association for Women in Development is organizing a parallel event at the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW66), held in New York. The event will focus on the effects of climate change on women living in rural areas, with contributions from feminist experts and activists from the Global South. We look forward to seeing you at our online event!

Register here


  • Introduction
    Maria Grazia Panunzi, President of AIDOS


  • SRHR and Climate Change
    Julitta Onabanjo, UNFPA Regional Director for East and Southern Africa


  • Women’s rights and climate change
    Priti Darooka, BRICS Feminist Watch Co-founder

    Fabiana Menna, President of Fundación Gran Chaco


  • Women environmental human rights defenders
    Akhona Xotyeni, Royal Danish Embassy in South Africa Youth Advocate and climate activist


  • Q&A