Female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). A quick guide for media | Aidos

This Guide, along with the other one “First principles of the audio documentary. Theory and technique for absolute beginners “ has been updated within the framework of the “Abandoning FGM on FM!” project, supported by the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on FGM/C, coordinated by AIDOS in partnership with Audiodoc (Italian Association of Independent Audio Documentaries’ Authors), TOSTAN (Senegal) and AMWIK (Association of Media Women in Kenya) have the main aim to help radio professionals to produce audio-documentaries about FGM/C. They are designed to be a sort of toolbox for the concrete issues that these professionals can wonder about when they want to produce an audio-documentary on this subject. The Guides can be used separately and by media professionals who do not work in radio. So,the “FGM/C. A Quick Guide for Media” brings together the main questions that professionals may have regarding FGM/C and are therefore just as useful for the press/TV/ internet. Similarly, the “First Principles of Audio Documentary. Theory and technique for absolute beginners” guide could be used by radio journalists for producing an audio-documentary about a subject other than FGM/C.

Author: AIDOS – Associazione italiana donne per lo sviluppo

Publisher: AIDOS – Associazione italiana donne per lo sviluppo

Date of publication: April 2016

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