Gender patterns in micro and small enterprises of Tanzania | Aidos

Gender patterns in employment in farm and non-farm activities have changed in Tanzania during the last ten years. An increased number of women have become active in market-oriented activities and more responsible for providing cash needs of the household. The research reports on examined gender patterns in micro and small enterprises in urban towns and rural villages and their policy implications, with special emphasis on ascertaining the specific needs and interests of women, compared to men.  Of particular concern were gender patterns in accessing key resources, including credit, training, productive inputs/equipment and land. A qualitative study of selected institutions which supported micro and small business was also carried out.  

AIDOS, Roma, 2000, 173 p. A cura di Marjorie Mbilinyi. Rapporto pubblicato nell’ambito del progetto “Rafforzamento istituzionale del Ministero per lo sviluppo comunitario, le donne e i bambini (MCDWAC)realizzato con l’assistenza tecnica dell’AIDOS

Lingua: inglese.