Video – Securing the future for Jordanian women through entrepreneurship | Aidos

This video documents the experience of the Women Business Development Incubator (WBDI) established in 2002 by the Noor Al Hussein Foundation (NHF) with technical support from AIDOS, in the areas of  Bani Kenanah and Northem Ghour (Jordan). This facility supports women in establishing and upgrading viable, self-sustainable micro- and small-enterprises, providing an open space to learn business skills and develop tools for innovation and empowerment.

Its  approach draws from AIDOS methodology to female entrepreneurship development. As a business development  incubator “without walls” , WBDI provides an open space to learn business skills and develop tools for innovation and empowerment.

Its services, including entrepreneurial orientation, enterprise management and technical training, business planning and counseling, product development and design, marketing and promotion, and microfinance facilitation are delivered both inhouse and in the field.

This video highlights the experiences of Khadija, Fadwa and Dalal, whose stories illustrate passion, determination to acquire roles, responsibilities and negotiating power inconceivable in the past, and the inspiring growth of self-esteem and confidence.

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Production: AIDOS
Director: Chiara Cetorelli
Language: Arabic with English subtitles
Texts: Chiara Cetorelli and Francesca Massa
Type: DVD
Duration: 20 ’30’ ‘
Year: 2012